Information Technology Foundation Singapore

Providing for those in need

ITFS is the first technology foundation of its kind in Singapore. Our sole aim is to provide technology education and hands-on training to less fortunate members of our community; people who are not lucky enough to have been taught any IT or networking skills in the past.

Knowledge of technology, including but not limited to IT and Networking, is fundamental to be able to land a decent job in today’s market.

This is essential, especially for younger generations whose careers rely heavily on technology.

As a technology foundation in Singapore, we provide free IT, Networking, PBX, and software training to members of our community who otherwise would not have access to such education. We also provide hardware, such as laptops, to eligible applicants.

ITFS pbx networking

Networking & PBX

Free IT, Networking and PBX training

ITFS software training

software training

Free software training

ITFS free hardware


Free hardware, such as laptops

ITFS team

Our Key Members

ITFS’ founding members share a common belief in developing the youth by offering them free education to achieve a better career and quality of life.

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